Monday, September 29, 2008

Go Angela!

An interesting thing happened this morning. One of my Facebook friends sent me a link from CNN-- "Woman Goes Raw, Loses More than Half Herself." It was an article that hit the newswires this past weekend about Angela Stokes and her weight-loss journey in the world of raw foods. 

I guess it struck me as surreal that it was one of my friends, someone whom I know is not into the raw scene, that sent me the article. I'm starting to get a better idea of how big this is becoming. 

Raw food is the only subject I've observed to have helped so many people in so many ways. Anything from weight loss, disease, tumors, arthritis, cholesterol, acne... the list could go on forever. And maybe it's too early in the morning right now, but I can't think of anything else at this moment that can boast such a broad range of healing stories. 

So many times, people have approached me asking, why did you get into raw foods? My story is unique, yet not really so different than anyone else's. The reason I got into raw foods was because I felt better.  I can tell you about the respiratory health problems I was having in my early 20's, all the prescription drugs doctors kept putting me on, antibiotics every other month it seemed like. But what I realize so clearly is that we all have our version of that story. And raw food ultimately has offered each of us the opportunity to improve our health and feel better-- physically, mentally, spiritually. 

CNN's coverage of Angela's story is a HUGE boost to the attention raw food world, and rightfully so. I would hope everyone explores the concept a little more deeply and discover that they probably also have their own story waiting, about how raw foods has helped them. 

Here's the article:

Thanks Angela, for putting your story out there! 

1 comment: said...

Hi Elizabeth
This is Zakariah, the walker and africa traveler...i am in the bay area.

I like your writing...i like this story. It is my story, your story, his story, her story...