Sunday, July 6, 2008

2 more days and back to all raw!

Sitting here in a coffeehouse, drinking a decidedly not raw iced coffee, albeit organic and fair trade... I love to spend afternoons or evenings in such places and tip tap away on my laptop... this is one of the comforts I've afforded myself in the not-completely-raw lifestyle. But our office rockstar Britney brought it back home for me a couple weeks ago when we decided this would be the week we'd go all raw... no excuses. For Brit it will be the first time.... I'm so excited for her! 

For me, well it's not. Over the last couple years I had found my comfort zone in a not completely raw setting. In the times that I've been all raw, now over the last 5 years being fewer and farther between than I care to admit, it's been a struggle of feeling alienated from my friends and making many concessions. Turning down dinner plans or cocktail hour (yes occasionally I love a good martini and Sky vodka is the most alkaline vodka if you're going to go there.) I guess way back in 2003 when I began my raw journey, going overnight from carnivore to raw herbivore was pretty severe. Especially because there were nowhere nearly as many options for raw food as there are now. I really struggled emotionally with some of my full-raw experiences over the last few years and felt burned by them. 

But at this point I feel much stronger and readier... given that my diet leans mostly raw anyways I don't think it will be a huge deal. And I'm empowered with so much more knowledge then ever before. Doesn't hurt that we always have nuts around either! But-- I smirk at the ease of pouring ricemilk into my tea in the morning, instead of thinking about soaking almonds for milk or blending up some hemp seeds. This will be good for me... amplifying the value of being present in making my food.

Although for those small details Josh made a good point (he'll be taking the extra 2 steps to all raw with us as well.) He told me I can put raw milk into my tea. Very true. Major health and probiotic benefits from raw milk. I know lots of people are both raw and vegan, but I do allow myself a little be of raw organic cheese in my diet, occasionally a splurge like fresh raw cream whipped up with some clear agave and strawberries and such.... yum. I'm pretty okay with those personal choices, as the products are typically from grass-fed animals, the cheese mostly from goats and I never abuse their role in my diet. I definitely feel it's so important that if you're going to deviate from vegan to have full respect for the animals that you're sharing energy with. And for sure the dairy thing is definitely the Frenchie in me as many know... I can elaborate some other time :-) 

My intention is to keep the experience mainly vegan. I'm also going to be mindful of how much dehydrated food I'm doing.... in these hot summer days water hydrating foods are imperative!I will be happy to leave the world of ambiguous food choices to just making the solid commitment. The theme will be balance, balance, balance for this period. I'm definitely excited. Should be a piece of raw cake. 

Any thoughts? Lemme know!

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